Bugs, Improvements, New Features

Bug Reports:
“Skills” – Skills Widget Customization Color Ramp doesn’t provide an updated visual reference when changing the bar color.
2- “Video Chat” – Sometimes the user’s ghost remains on the Conference when his device crashes or disconnects without safely turning off the call.
(Until this bug is fully fixed, we can always restart the Conferences on the server to clean the ghost users.)
3- “Video Chat” This error only occurs when entering a Small Video Chat inside a group.
A useless fake error appears: “Lock Failed”. This error is not important and all you can do for now is ignore it or press the arrow and then click “Dismiss” for it to disappear.

Pending Improvements:
“Profile Cover” – The Profile Cover should be adjustable just like the Avatar is, to be able to adjust the position and/or crop the image.
(For now, people can crop or change the dimension of the picture by using an image editor like Paint, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.).
2- “About us” and “Project” Image Size Limit is currently 3 mb. (For now, people can use this website https://imageoptim.com/online to change the size and compress their pictures without losing quality)

Pending New Features:
1- Video Chat Algarvios App for iPhone for better Compatibility with the Device.
(Video Chat is currently not supported for iPhone Devices.)
(For now Video Chat is compatible with Google Chrome, Opera and FireFox Browsers. Both on PC and Smartphones.)
2- Algarvios App for Android and iPhone.